Tuesday 12 October 2010

Letting Go

Why does the earth have gravity?

Because Mother Earth does not want her children to move too far away from her watchful eyes and get hurt!!!!!!

I am blessed with 2 wonderful children, both daughters. The younger one won a Scholarship from Singapore Airlines and left India to study in Singapore. The course was for 4 years and as per the terms of the Scholarship, after completing the course, she would have to serve in a Singapore-based organisation for 6 years. Thus, she would have to be away from us for at least 10 years. 10 years! One decade! My God!

I felt proud at her achievement but a big worry was gnawing at my heart. The thought of a girl who had just turned 18, leaving Indian shores, all alone, for a land completely unknown to her, leaving behind her parents, family, relatives, friends and acquaintances, kept bothering me. When she was leaving, our hearts were ridden with worries about how she would manage herself, far away from home, in an unknown country but in her eyes, i saw a glimpse of a resolve of steel, as she waved us 'bye, bye'.

She used to come to India once in about 6 months during her holidays. When she was going back after the holidays, i used to accompany her to Kolkata to see her off. In the airport, i used to linger in the Viewers' Gallery and look hard till her plane became a speck and then disappeared in the sky.

We kept comforting ourselves by the thought that even if she would continue to work in Singapore after those 10 years, the elder daughter would be near us in India. A few years later, the marriage of the elder daughter was solemnised, in India. And lo and behold, the son-in-law got a job in USA, about 4 months after the marriage. He took up that job and the daughter joined him after a couple of months.

Later, after taking up a job in Singapore, the younger daughter was married to a Singapore-based boy.

Thus, one daughter went to the East and the other daughter flew to the West, we being left in the middle, sometimes looking at one direction and at other times, in the opposite direction.

So, flourish, dear daughters, fly on and be world citizens! We have let you go.


  1. True that it is hard to let go, but look at the bright side of vacations! Lots of little countries to visit in the vicinity of Singapore, and North America is huge too! :)

  2. t,
    I agree.:) My wife and I have visited Singapore several times and Malaysia once. I have visited USA once and she has visited it twice.

    We have enjoyed the visits thoroughly. :::::)

  3. Heart-touching post, reminded me of the moment when I was leaving my house in pursue of a career. That was actually heart-breaking :(

  4. PragyaN, Me,
    We may want to fly high but at the core of our hearts, we really love and fervently wish to be pulled by the gravitation force of Mother Earth. We always wish that there is someone who cares for us and is concerned about our well-being. Will we love a world where everyone is independent and has no link with anyone else?
